How to print from lightroom

How to Print from Lightroom? | 5 Powerful Steps for Success

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How to print from Lightroom? Are you a 3D printing enthusiast looking to learn how to print from Lightroom?

To print from Lightroom, select your photo, go to the “Print” module, adjust your settings, preview your layout, and then click on “Printer…” to finalize your print.

In this article, we explain how anyone, regardless of whether they are a hobbyist or professional printer maker, can use Lightroom 8 in order to create stunning products desired by everyone who uses it.

Overview of Lightroom and How to Print from Lightroom

Lightroom, developed by Adobe, is a professional photo editing software that offers numerous benefits for printing photos:

  1. High-Quality Output: Lightroom allows the manipulation of high-resolution images without compromising on their quality, ensuring your prints are detailed and crisp.
  2. Non-Destructive Editing: One of the key features of Lightroom is its non-destructive editing capability. This means changes made to the photos can be undone, preserving the original file.
  3. Efficient Workflow: Lightroom simplifies the process of preparing images for printing, allowing you to batch-process images, apply presets, and streamline your workflow.
  4. Color Management: Lightroom provides color management tools that ensure the colors in your printed photos match those on your screen.
  5. Flexible Printing Options: Whether you’re printing a single image, contact sheets, or full-bleed photo books, Lightroom has flexible print settings to suit your needs.
  6. Integration with Adobe Suite: Lightroom integrates well with other Adobe Suite applications, such as Photoshop, providing a seamless workflow for advanced editing tasks.

Setting up your Printer for Easy Printing with Lightroom

  1. Printer Configuration: First, ensure your printer is properly configured and connected to your computer. Verify that the print drivers are updated to the latest version for optimal compatibility with Lightroom.
  2. Paper Selection: Choose the right paper for your print job. Lightroom supports various paper sizes, so make sure your desired output size is selected in the printer settings.
  3. Color Calibration: Calibrate your printer to match the colors on your screen with those on the printed output. You can do this by using color profiles provided by your printer manufacturer.
  4. Resolution Setting: Set the appropriate resolution for your prints. Lightroom allows you to specify the print resolution in the Print Job panel, so ensure it is set to deliver high-quality prints.
  5. Print Preview: Always use the Print Preview feature to check how your photo will look when printed. This helps you make any necessary adjustments before the final print.
  6. Print Settings: Configure your print settings in Lightroom. This includes specifying the print sharpening, media type, and print adjustment settings.
  7. Final Check: Lastly, do a final check to ensure all settings are correct. Double-check paper size, and orientation, and ensure the right printer is selected before you print.

Preparing the images you want to print in Lightroom

  1. Selecting Images: Begin by selecting the photos you wish to print in Lightroom. Import them into the Lightroom library if you haven’t already.
  2. Editing: Use Lightroom’s wide range of editing tools to enhance your photos. This can include adjusting exposure, contrast, saturation, and other attributes to achieve your desired look.
  3. Crop and Size: Ensure your photos fit into your chosen print size by cropping them appropriately. You can also adjust the aspect ratio if needed.
  4. Soft Proofing: Utilize the Soft Proofing feature in Lightroom. This tool simulates how your photos will look when printed on specific paper types, helping you anticipate the final result.
  5. Saving Settings: If you plan to print the same photo in the future or apply the same editing settings to other photos, save your settings as a preset for easy access later.
  6. Exporting: Once you are happy with the edits, export your photos in a print-ready format. Remember to choose a high resolution to ensure the best print quality.
  1. Accessing Print Settings: Navigate to the ‘Print‘ module in Lightroom. Here you will find the Print Settings menu. This is where you will adjust your print settings to suit your needs.
  2. Layout Style: Under ‘Layout Style’, choose your preferred layout. Options include a single image/contact sheet, picture package, and custom package.
  3. Image Settings: In the ‘Image Settings’ panel, adjust image placement and margins. Turn on ‘Zoom to Fill’ if you want your image to fill the frame, even if it means cropping some parts.
  4. Layout: The ‘Layout’ panel lets you specify the page grid, cell size, and margins. This is crucial for ensuring your images fit perfectly on your chosen paper size.
  5. Guides: In the ‘Guides’ panel, you can choose to show guides such as margins, gutters, and dimensions. This is helpful for visualizing your layout before you print.
  6. Page: The ‘Page’ panel lets you add background color, identity plate, watermark, and page numbers. It’s useful for adding a professional touch to your prints.
  7. Print Job: Finally, the ‘Print Job’ panel is where you choose print resolution, print sharpening, media type, and color management. Ensure these settings match your printer and paper specifications to guarantee high-quality prints.

Selecting a paper type for optimal results

  1. Research Paper Types: Different types of paper have varying characteristics that can influence the look and feel of your printed photos. Research the properties of different paper types, such as gloss, matte, and textured papers, to understand their impact on your prints.
  2. Consider the Image Content: The choice of paper should complement the content of your image. For instance, gloss or semi-gloss paper can enhance vibrant colors and create a sharp, crisp finish, making them ideal for vivid landscapes or portraits. On the other hand, matte paper is less reflective, making it suitable for black-and-white photos or images with a lot of detail.
  3. Printer Compatibility: Ensure the paper you select is compatible with your printer. Check your printer’s manual or manufacturer’s recommendations.
  4. Test Prints: Consider doing a test print on a smaller size or less expensive paper before printing on your chosen paper. This can help ensure that the colors and details are reproduced as expected.
  5. Paper Profiles: Use paper profiles, provided by paper manufacturers, for color calibration. These are specific settings designed to optimize print quality on their paper.
  6. Paper Size and Orientation: Select the appropriate paper size and orientation in Lightroom print settings. Make sure it matches the paper you’re physically using.
  7. Longevity and Durability: If the printed photos are intended for exhibition or sale, consider the longevity and durability of the paper. Some papers, such as those made from cotton rag, are archival quality and can last for many years without fading or yellowing.
  8. Environmental Considerations: If environmental sustainability is a concern, look for papers made from recycled materials or sustainably sourced fibers.

Understanding preview options before printing

  1. Preview Window: In the ‘Print‘ module of Lightroom, you’ll find the preview window. This gives you a visual representation of how your printed image will look. It considers the chosen paper size, image placement, margins, and other settings.
  2. Soft Proofing: Use the Soft Proofing tool to simulate how your image will look when printed. This tool adjusts the colors of the image on your screen to match the color capabilities of your chosen printer and paper.
  3. Show Guides: The ‘Guides’ panel allows you to show or hide guides like margins, gutters, and dimensions. These guides can help you visualize the layout of your print.
  4. Print Adjustment: The ‘Print Adjustment’ settings can be found under the ‘Print Job’ panel. These settings adjust the brightness and contrast of your print preview, providing a more accurate depiction of the final print.
  5. Print Preview: Always use the Print Preview feature before finalizing your prints. This allows you to review the photo’s appearance, size, placement, and overall layout.
  6. Proof Copy: Creating a proof copy can be helpful if you want to test the print results without altering the original image. This copy inherits all the current development settings of the original photo, which you can then modify for print.
  7. Monitor Calibration: Calibrate your monitor regularly for accurate color representation. This will ensure that the preview you see on your screen matches the final print.

Printing multiple images at once with Lightroom

  1. Use Picture Package: Lightroom’s Picture Package option allows you to print multiple photos on one page. You can choose different sizes and aspect ratios for each image.
  2. Image Layouts: The ‘Image Settings’ and ‘Layout’ panels offer options for arranging multiple images in a grid or custom layout. This can be useful for creating photo books, portfolios, or contact sheets.
  3. Cell Spacing: Adjust the ‘Cell Spacing’ options under the ‘Layout’ panel to manage the distance between your images. This can help you achieve a balanced and aesthetically pleasing layout.
  4. Custom Package: For a more personalized layout, use the ‘Custom Package’ option. Here, you can manually arrange and size your photos on the page. This is useful if you want a mix of different image sizes on one sheet.
  5. Rotate to Fit: The ‘Rotate to Fit’ option under ‘Image Settings’ can automatically rotate your images to fit in the designated cell. This can be useful when printing photos with different orientations.
  6. Print to File: If you want to print the same group of images later, use the ‘Print to File’ button in the ‘Print Job’ panel to save your settings. This will save your layout and any adjustments made to the images.
  7. Add Watermark: If you’re printing multiple images for a portfolio or exhibition, consider adding a watermark using the ‘Page’ panel. This can apply your logo or copyright notice to all images.
  8. Page Numbering: If you’re printing a large number of photos across multiple pages, enable ‘Page Numbers’ in the ‘Page’ panel. This helps keep your prints organized.
  9. Match Print Colors: Ensure consistent color across all your images by checking ‘Match Print Colors’ in the ‘Print Job’ panel. This will automatically adjust the colors to match your printer’s capabilities.
  10. Preview and Adjust: Always preview your layout before printing, and consider making a test print to ensure your images appear as expected.

Troubleshooting tips if your prints don’t turn out as expected

  1. Check Printer Settings: One of the first things to do if your prints are not turning out as expected is to check your printer settings. Make sure that the paper type and size in your printer settings match the paper you’re using.
  2. Calibrate Monitor: If the colors in your print do not match the colors on your screen, your monitor may need calibration. This ensures that the colors you see on-screen are accurate and will match the print.
  3. Review Lightroom Settings: Review your Lightroom print settings. Make sure that the correct paper profile is selected and that the Print Adjustment settings are correct.
  4. Revisit Image Editing: Sometimes, the issue may be with the editing of the image itself. Revisit your photo editing and make sure that brightness, contrast, and colors are adjusted correctly.
  5. Inspect Printer: Physically inspect the printer. Check for any issues with the ink cartridges or the printer head. Clean or replace as necessary.
  6. Update Printer Driver: An outdated printer driver could also cause issues with your prints. Make sure your printer driver is up-to-date.
  7. Test on Different Paper: Try printing your image on a different type of paper. This can help you understand if the issue lies with the paper used.
  8. Seek Professional Help: If all else fails, consider seeking help from a professional print service. They can help diagnose and fix the problem.
  9. Experiment: Finally, printing is somewhat of an art and requires a bit of experimentation. Make slight adjustments in your settings and observe the results. Over time, you’ll learn what works best for your specific printer and paper combination.


In conclusion, mastering the art of printing with Adobe Lightroom can significantly enhance your photography workflow. From preparing single images for print to creating complex multi-image layouts, Lightroom offers a plethora of tools and features. While the process may seem challenging at first, with practice, you’ll be able to navigate through the settings and adjustments for optimal print results. Remember to leverage the soft proofing feature and always preview your layout before printing.

In case of discrepancies, don’t hesitate to troubleshoot by checking your printer settings, calibrating your monitor, or revising your image editing. And lastly, don’t shy away from seeking professional help or experimenting with different settings and paper types.

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