How to print a MailChimp campaign

How to print a MailChimp Campaign? | 5 Step-by-Step Useful Guide

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How to print a MailChimp Campaign? Printing your Mailchimp campaigns can be a great way to keep track of the progress and success of all your marketing initiatives.

With Microsoft Teams you can easily print out emails, surveys, documents, and other content that you’ve sent or received as part of that campaign. By printing out printed copies of these important communications, you’ll have quick access to them for reference anytime—without having to log in to a website or search through email inboxes.

In this blog post, we’ll show you how easy it is to print Mailchimp campaigns with Microsoft Teams so that you’re always up-to-date without wasting time searching for what’s already been said.

Log into your Mailchimp account

  1. To start, you need to log into your Mailchimp account using your credentials.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to the specific Campaign you wish to print.
  3. On the Campaign page, look for the “Print” option located at the top right corner of the page and click on it.
  4. Next, you will have the option to choose a layout for your printed document. Pick one that best suits your needs.
  5. You can further customize your document by adjusting the scale and orientation. This can be landscape, portrait, or custom dimensions as per your preference.
  6. Next, head over to print settings and printer preferences, where you can select the printer, quality, and other settings.
  7. Lastly, you have to log back into your Mailchimp account to save these settings and print the document.

How to print a MailChimp Campaign? Select the Campaign you wish to print

  1. Navigate to the ‘Campaigns’ page on your Mailchimp account.
  2. Scroll through your campaign list to find the specific campaign you want to print.
  3. Click on the name of the campaign to access its detailed view.
  4. Review the campaign details to ensure it’s the correct one you wish to print.

Click “Print” at the top right corner of the page

  1. Once you have accessed the detailed view of the selected campaign, locate the “Print” option. This is typically situated at the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click on the “Print” button to initiate the print dialogue box. Ensure your printer is connected and ready to print.
  3. In the print dialogue box, you can select your preferred printer and set print preferences such as color, quality, and more.
  4. Click on the “Print” or “OK” button in the dialogue box to start the printing process.
  5. Once the campaign is printed, carefully review the printed copy for any errors or discrepancies.
  6. Make sure to store the printed copy in a safe location for future reference.

Choose a layout for your printed document

  1. After clicking on the “Print” button, a preview of your document will be displayed, along with different layout options.
  2. Explore the various layout options available. This could include single-page, booklet, or multiple-page per-sheet formats.
  3. Choose a layout that best meets your needs. For instance, if you’re preserving the document for record-keeping, a single-page layout might be best. For a presentation, a booklet format could be more suitable.
  4. After selecting your layout, you can further customize it by adjusting margins, orientation, and other format settings.
  5. Once you’re satisfied with your layout choice and customizations, proceed to print your Mailchimp campaign.

Adjust the scale and orientation of your printed documents

  1. When you’re ready to adjust the scale and orientation, look for the settings within the print preview screen.
  2. Select the ‘Scale’ option to adjust the size of your printed document. You can choose to fit the content to the page or select a specific percentage to increase or decrease the size.
  3. The ‘Orientation’ option allows you to choose between ‘Landscape’ or ‘Portrait’. Depending on the content of your campaign, one may be more suitable than the other.
  4. After adjusting the scale and orientation, make sure to preview the changes before printing. This can save you from potential formatting errors or unnecessary waste of paper.
  5. Once you’re satisfied with your adjustments, proceed by clicking the ‘Print’ button to print your campaign.

Select print settings and printer preferences

  1. The final step before printing your Mailchimp campaign is to set your print settings and printer preferences. Navigate to your printer settings or preferences menu, typically accessible from the print dialogue box.
  2. Choose the appropriate printer. If you have multiple printers connected, make sure to select the one you want to use.
  3. Set the print quality. Higher print quality settings will provide a sharper image but will use more ink.
  4. Determine if you want to print in color or black and white. Again, printing in color will use more ink.
  5. Decide how many copies of the campaign you need. If you need multiple copies, adjust the quantity accordingly.
  6. Finally, click on the ‘Print’ button to begin printing your campaign. Be sure to collect all printed copies and store them in a secure location for future reference.


In conclusion, the process of printing your Mailchimp campaigns through Microsoft Teams is a straightforward and accessible feature that allows you to keep physical copies of your marketing efforts. This ability not only aids in record-keeping but also allows for easy reference without the need for digital navigation. It’s a handy tool for any marketer or business owner who wants to track the progress and success of their campaigns without spending unnecessary time searching for information.

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